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The campus buildings and housing

The EUR campus is often characterized by the two large buildings that can be seen throughout Rotterdam, but the campus of course consists of multiple buildings, spread over different locations (Woudestijn campus, EMC campus, EUC campus, ISS-en-ECE campus). Most buildings are located on the Woudestijn campus, where a number of things can be improved, such as the following points:

Liberi Erasmi wants:

  • Better cooperation with the municipality of Rotterdam to keep the housing market accessible for students living away from home
  • Campus buildings such as V-building, Mandeville, Van der Goot, Tinbergen, Sanders, and Theil should all be able to remain open to students for longer to prevent study crowds on campus.
  • More study places on campus and also alternative options for the shortage of study places due to the closure of the Tinbergen building. This can be done, for example, by making efficient use of the exam halls or other buildings by using unused parts to study.
  • Each lecture hall must have enough power outlets per lecture chair so that students are not dependent on the life of their laptop battery during lectures. This also applies to classrooms where sometimes only a few power outlets are available.
  • Power outlets at the picnic tables outside on campus so that students can also study outside when they want to.
  • More wheelchair-friendly on campus. Think of replacing revolving doors and swing doors with sliding doors, removing awkward thresholds, and equipment for stairs in buildings where there is no elevator.
  • Research into introducing sleeping places that can only be used during the day for students who are tired and want to recover to get through the rest of their day
  • Parkeertarieven in de campusgarage moeten niet onnodig duur worden.
  • Studiewinkels op de campus kunnen niet zomaar verdwijnen zonder een alternatief. Er moeten fysieke alternatieven zijn op de campus voor studenten om studie-en toets materiaal direct te kunnen aanschaffen wanneer zij dit nodig hebben.
  • Door inschattingsfouten hebben studenten op de EUC campus geen studentenkamer weten te krijgen, terwijl de universiteit hen dat wel heeft gegarandeerd. Het is dan ook aan de universiteit om alternatieve opties te bieden, en na te denken over de uitbreiding van studentenhuisvesting om dit soort problemen te voorkomen in de toekomst, en daarbij ook indirect bij te dragen aan het landelijke huisvestingsprobleem.
  • Studeerplekken op de campus zo ergonomisch mogelijk proberen te maken.
  • Het plaatsen van massagestoelen op de campus om de stress van studenten te verminderen.
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