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Student involvement and visibility

Students have unfortunately had to experience in recent years how difficult it can be to study when there is not enough student involvement with, for example, fellow students or the study program. This can be improved a lot with the following ideas:

Liberi Erasmi wants:

  • First-year students should be better informed about the organizational structure of the university, what rights and obligations they have as a student, and which student organizations can ensure that they are more involved and can get the most out of their student days.
  • All first-year students deserve a senior student tutor who can guide them. This can be achieved by means of well-functioning (student) mentor systems per faculty with a clear task package and fair compensation.
  • Community building with the help of an Erasmus community app in which students can find each other more easily. All student associations can join in with their associated events that they organize.
  • More space for take-overs on the social media channels of Erasmus University in order to increase student involvement and the visibility of the university and students.
  • Increased supply of Erasmus University merchandise items to create additional involvement in the Erasmus student community, and thereby also promote the visibility of our university.
  • On campus, more use should be made of recreational activities that allow students to relax and train their cognitive skills, such as with square chess boards or other games. university. This can be done by means of events, guest lectures or via Erasmus Studio. Collaborations with student associations are desirable in this respect in order to provide a balanced picture of various subjects
  • Het permanent blijven bestaan van de recreatieve studentenzone voor de Foodplaza.
  • Introduceren van een jaarlijks Erasmus Debat Event waarbij iedere student zich kan aanmelden voor een knock-out toernooi waarin de meest besproken en actuele onderwerpen zullen worden bediscussieerd, onder jurering van bekende alumni en professionelen in het werkveld.
  • Meer aanbod van unieke gastlezingen, waarbij iedere student aanwezig kan zijn die interesse heeft. Dus niet slechts enkele studenten die bijvoorbeeld een honours programma, of andere programma volgen.
  • Herintroduceren van de jaarlijkse Erasmus festivals op de campus. Eenzaamheid onder studenten is een probleem, vooral sinds de coronacrisis. Evenementen op de campus, zoals een festival, zijn een manier voor studenten om zowel elkaar te ontmoeten als even vrij zijn van alle studeerstress.
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